Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't Disarm Good People

The following is in response to this article.

I agree totally with allowing citizens to keep and bare arms, and I believe that outlawing this has no positive effect on how many gun related crimes will be committed. Consider the idea of “gun control” for a moment. It would consist of laws that restrict or prohibit completely, the possessing of guns by private citizens. Now, who is it that carry out these horrible crimes that these laws are meant to stop? The answer is, the same criminals who will find a way to do it whether there is a law against having a gun or not. When these crimes are committed they are just that, crimes, the breaking of laws. Do you really think that making it illegal to own a gun will make the criminal say “oh well, I would commit this crime but I’m not allowed to have a gun so I guess I’ll just go home.” Of course not.

Now there is the argument that if guns are harder to get it will cut down on many of the gun related crimes. However, England enacted very strict gun control laws in 1997 pretty much outlawing citizen ownership of any kind of firearm and over 160,000 now outlawed guns were turned into authorities by the honest law abiding citizens. As a result, the good people of Great Brittan have suffered a doubling of gun related crimes since handing in their weapons.

The bottom line is, criminals don’t obey laws including ones telling them that they can’t use guns to commit their crimes. To ban firearms, as was proven in England, will only take guns out of the hands of the honest people who’s only purpose in having a gun in the first place is to protect themselves from those who wish to harm them. A much more effective way to cut down on these crimes would probably be to increase the number of legal firearms in the general public because a crook would think a lot harder about walking in and holding up a gas station if he new that just about everyone in there was “packing 9.”

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