Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The New Debate

According to an article on today, on the day after the Democratic primary seems to be over, Presidential hopeful John McCain has taken the first step towards debates in the campaign between himself and presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama, but with a non traditional twist. The article includes a letter from senator McCain to senator Obama proposing that they travel together for the next ten weeks holding a number of town hall style debates without much of the artificial glamour and scripted questions that have come to define presidential debates in recent elections. “I don’t think we need any big media run productions, no process questions from reporters, no spin rooms– just two Americans running for the highest office of the greatest nation on earth and responding to the concerns of the people whose trust we must earn,” said McCain in his letter to Obama. In a campaign that has focused so much on change, this would be a historic gesture for both candidates and would probably interest Americans who are looking for something more real from the candidates. The article “McCain proposes joint town hall meetings” by Mosheh Oinounou, is definitely worth reading as the idea could be the precursor to a truly historic change in the way presidential debates are conducted in the future.

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